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Changelog vs. Release Notes: Differences and Examples

Should you use a changelog or create a release note? Which is better for you, your team, and your customers? We'll show you the benefits of each.

changelog vs. release notes: differences and examples featured image

"Have no fear of perfection; you'll never reach it." ~ Salvador Dali

Nothing is ever truly perfect. And your SaaS products are no exception.

Just when you think you've got it all worked out, some weird, unexpected, nearly impossible bug rears its ugly head.

Or maybe you just decided that your nearly perfect software could be just a touch better, just a pinch more perfect. And so you update it. Make a few tweaks here and there. Give it a new bit of functionality. Dress it up a little more.

But how do you tell your customers and stakeholders about what you've done? How do you keep everyone in the loop? Do you use a changelog or create a release note? Which is better for you, your team, and your customers?

That's what we're discussing today. We'll show you the benefits of each option and give you some noteworthy examples. We'll compare the two side-by-side, and by the time we're through, you’ll have a better idea of which choice to make.

Changelog Vs Release Notes

Having acquainted ourselves with the basics, let's delve into the distinctions between changelogs and release notes. On the surface, both appear to serve similar purposes, and it could be easy to mix the two up. However, they are two very different things, each with their unique functions and audience.

Firstly, a changelog, my dear reader, is a chronological record of all modifications made in a particular software project. It encompasses everything, from minor bugfixes and tweaks to major overhauls and new feature additions, providing a highly detailed view of a project's evolution. If we liken a software development process to a story, then think of a changelog as the narrative that documents each and every plot twist and turns along the way.

In contrast, release notes carry a succinct summary of changes that are pertinent to the end-user with a new software update. They are typically more streamlined and selective than changelogs, focusing on major changes and improvements that directly impact the user's experience. If a changelog resembles the intricate tapestry of a story, then release notes would be the highlight reel, outlining the most essential scenes and developments.

In essence, the key difference lies in their target audience and depth of information. Changelogs are designed for those engaged in the software development process, offering a comprehensive documentation of a project's evolution. Release notes, however, are crafted with end-users in mind, shedding light on changes that they would encounter and need to know about.

While noting down these points, it's also good to remember that the execution and structure of both changelogs and release notes can vary greatly across different organizations, reflective of their unique workflows and audience needs. In any case, both serve as critical means of keeping relevant parties informed about the software's progress and developments.

Investing in a clear, concise, and informative changelog and release notes can be the difference between leaving your users in the dark and engaging them with your software's journey. Stay tuned, as we will be touching on the best practices for crafting these essential elements in the upcoming sections of this article.

Benefits and Examples of Release Notes

Before we get started, let's get crystal clear as to what a release note actually is.

Release notes are a set of textual documents created for your customers to provide a description of the changes made in a new version of a product or service.

Your original product or service had some sort of user guide or other support documentation that was created to instruct the new user on how to use it.

Release notes are created to fill in the gaps between that original documentation and the changes made to any new versions of the product or service. They are customer support in document form.

The image below is from Slack. It shows their release notes for changes made in  March 2024 They make so many revisions and fix so many bugs that they often do daily release notes just to keep everyone up to date.

Linear is another who is no stranger to making minor changes and fixes to its software. Here are their release notes for February 2024.

Each release note concisely and clearly explains what was done and why. The text is easy to understand, quick to read, and free of most jargon that the average customer wouldn't understand.

That doesn't mean, however, that release notes are restricted to a words-on-paper-or-screen format.

Your release notes can contain videos, photos, diagrams, and other visuals to inform the user of new features, summarize bug fixes, use cases, and more.

Here's a release note from the work management platform, monday.com. They've included a video to walk customers through a new process within the software's capability (this appears as a static screenshot in the image below).

monday.com release notes for June 2022

Note all the links, too. These allow users to access other areas of monday.com's support materials for more in-depth information and further assistance, if needed.

Now that we know what release notes are and what they can do, let's examine changelogs and what they're all about.

When you think about changelogs, consider them as the detailed diary of a software. They track every little modification, every amendment, and elaboration that's been implemented. While release notes provide a summarized overview, changelogs are there to lend detailed insights, making them quintessential for developers who need to understand what precisely has been altered between different versions of a software.

Changelogs aren't always reader-friendly for those outside the development community, as they are often cluttered with technical jargons. As a user, you might encounter terms like 'commit', 'pull request' and 'merge' which might seem alien, but to developers, these are everyday terms that define their workflow.

The objective of a changelog is to provide a comprehensive account of changes, featuring everything from bug fixes to performance enhancements and functional adjustments. This level of detail is necessary to ensure nothing slips through the cracks. It's critical for developers to have close, thorough control, especially in projects where many developers are coordinating their efforts.

One key thing to understand is that changelogs and release notes largely serve different purposes, and are targeted towards different groups. While release notes appeal to a broader audience, providing a high-level overview of what's new, changelogs are squarely aimed at other developers, offering the gritty, technical detail needed to navigate the intricate roadmap of software development.

To sum up, changelogs are the lifeblood having an exhaustive narrative of tweaks, fixes, and updates, while release notes are like a highlight reel, presenting only the major points that users need to know. Both are essential in their unique ways, contributing to a well-rounded communication strategy within and beyond the world of software development.

Benefits and Examples of Changelogs

Changelogs are comprehensive lists of:

  • New features
  • Enhancements
  • Bugs and their fixes
  • Deprecated, soon-to-be-removed features
  • Removed, no-longer-available features
  • Security vulnerabilities

All changelogs are ordered in reverse chronological order, with the newest changes at the top.

One advantage of a changelog is that revisions can be added as they’re made (while there's a need for separate tracking or compilation to create a release note). Simply add a new entry to the top of the changelog's list.

Changelogs often link to the developer who made the change, as well as to specific issues or requests for changes to the software's features.

Changelogs are ideally suited to the back-end of your product or service, as customers seldom need to know about every revision or change an item goes through.

Unlike release notes, and perhaps because their audience is more often developers and back-end team members, changelogs are often much less reader-friendly. Take a look at the changelog from KeepaChangelog.com below.

Keepachangelog.com's changelog

Notice all the computer "stuff" noted in the log. There are no links, either, just URLs you have to copy and paste into your browser bar.

The bare bones format doesn't have to apply to all changelogs, however. While they do include developer-speak, some make an effort to recognize that those developers are humans, too.

The next two examples show that somewhat. The first is from Twitter, and shows how they use fairly plain language to describe changes made in June and July of 2022.

Twitter changelog from June and July, 2022

The second is from Discord, a community discussion platform. It describes upcoming changes to the platform's software, and is a bit more technical, but not nearly as technical as KeepaChangeLog.com's example.

Discord's changelog for July 13, 2022

We should note here that both Twitter and Discord use release notes to reach their general, average, non-developer users. Twitter has a section dedicated to release notes on the support side of the app, while Discord uses their blog to publish their release notes.

So, a company might find a benefit in using both, together, to reach all their users.

Indeed, exploring the dual use of changelogs and release notes can be highly beneficial for tech companies. But to fully leverage them, it's important to first understand their respective purposes and target audiences.

Changelogs are technical documents mainly intended for developers and other technical professionals within a company. They provide a detailed record of the alterations made to a software product from one version to the next. This includes new features, changes to existing functionalities, bug fixes, and updates made to the system's underlying code. A developer may consult the changelog to easily grasp what has changed in a particular software release and how these changes might impact the work they do.

On the other hand, release notes aim to communicate the value of new software changes to a broader audience, including end-users. These notes usually provide an overview of the latest updates, highlighting new features, improvements or issue resolutions that directly benefits users. The language used in release notes is less technical and more user-friendly to ensure ease of understanding. Platforms like Twitter and Discord, as mentioned earlier, effectively utilize release notes to keep their users updated and engaged.

Now, why would a company want to use both? It all comes down to comprehensive communication. By using changelogs, companies ensure their technical team remains abreast of the intricate details of all updates to the software. Meanwhile, release notes allow them to engage with their user base, explaining in a comprehensible manner how the latest changes or additions will enhance their software experience. It's a powerful combination, covering the entire spectrum of stakeholders with tailored communication strategies.

This approach speaks to their broad audience that ranges from the deeply technical to the casually interested - staying informative, yet engaging. So, as you navigate updates in your favorite apps, take a moment to appreciate the difference between changelogs and release notes—the bound harmony of two elements making sure you know what's new and why it matters to you.

Changelogs vs. Release Notes: Which is Better?

Which is better? We think we've demonstrated that using both may be best of all.

Release notes are better for the general user—the average customer who doesn't speak computer code and just needs to know what has happened to their favorite software or app and why.

Changelogs are ideal when communicating with the back-end folks in development and design. They need to have access to the technical information so they can handle any issues that your revisions, additions, and deprecations may cause the team they support.

The table below shows a side-by-side comparison of the two types of communication and when it's best to use each.



Release Notes

Revision directly affects user


Quick look at revisions


Comprehensive list of revisions


Communicate to general public


Communicate to technical users or internal team


When a historical list of revisions is needed


Interactive connection with users


Need content for marketing purposes


We believe that the last two rows are possibly the biggest and most important differences that set release notes head and shoulders above changelogs.

You can craft release notes with personality, inject your brand's voice into them, and ultimately, create another way to communicate with your customers and potential buyers. We see this with Twitter, Discord, and other big brands that choose to use both.

They know that developers and designers will need the technical information a changelog has to offer.

They also know that their average user might be interested in the revisions they make and why they’ve made them (and that new features in the works can be used to entice new users). They’re also aware that the average user couldn't make heads or tales of a changelog.

While the average user might feel lost in the technical jargon typical to a changelog, there's another tool to keep them abreast about the changes: the release notes. This is a communication tool essential to bridge the knowledge gap between the developers and users. Release notes are written with the end users in mind, presenting updates, additions, deletions, and fixes in an engaging, easy-to-understand language. They provide a stage where developers can showcase the new features, usability improvements, bug fixes, and even known issues in the app or system.

Think of changelogs and release notes as two sides of the same coin. A changelog is like a diary of a software product, diligently maintained by the developers. Every single version change, bug fix, feature improvement, and other modifications are systematically recorded here, much like an accountant keeping track of every single transaction. It is a technical document, primarily intended for other developers or people who need to look under the hood of the application, and hence, can be cryptic to the uninitiated.

On the other hand, release notes are more like newsletter updates sent to the users. They summarize the key changes in a new version, articulate benefits of an updated feature, and describe how to resolve common issues or make the most of recent improvements. Instead of meticulous logging of every single change, release notes focus on the things that matter most to the users – what has changed for them and how it would impact their experience.

All in all, both changelogs and release notes are vital parts of the product life cycle management, albeit servicing different audiences. While the former is more about recording every single beat of product evolution, the latter is about broadcasting the rhythm that the ordinary user can dance to.

It's a mindset worth emulating in your business.

Alt tag: everybody wins with release notes

Update Your Products Today With ReleaseNotes.io

Your customers deserve the best line of communication their SaaS companies can offer.

Your entire team needs to be kept in the loop on all revisions your product goes through without having to wade through the technospeak of your developers.

And your marketing and customer service gang will appreciate plain English explanations to use in their work, too.

Everybody wins with release notes.

That's why they are our passion and our purpose. Our software allows you to generate both private, team-only release notes and those suited for public presentation to your customers and potential buyers.

With most products on the market, you end up paying for a lot of things you don't need or want. With ReleaseNotes, you get nothing but, well, release notes. Effective, easily created release notes, priced accordingly. It's what we do and we do it well.

Don’t just take our word for it. Here are a couple of reviews of our software:

ReleaseNotes review by Wolfgang Reinhardt

Release notes pave the way for building trust and confidence in your product or service. They ease communications for everyone, in-house and out.

And while they may not create perfection, they certainly are a perfect way to track how close you can come to it.

Check us out today to see all that we can offer your company.

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Jamie Larson